Portfolio Details
E-commerce Website
AnkitBatra.com is a dedicated platform offering Numerology Services and Courses, similar to PriyaBatra.in. This site focuses on providing insights into various numerological practices and tools, helping individuals understand the influence of numbers and energies in their lives. Here’s a breakdown of what AnkitBatra.com offers:
Key Services:
Mobile Numerology: Analyzing mobile numbers to reveal the numerological significance, helping individuals better understand their strengths, weaknesses, and potential outcomes in life based on their mobile number.
Name Numerology: Providing a personalized analysis of names, exploring the influence of letters and numbers, and offering recommendations for name changes if necessary to enhance a person’s luck and energy.
Loshu Grid: An important tool in numerology that helps assess the energies around an individual, offering a detailed understanding of their life path and areas of improvement through numbers.
Silver Level Numerology: This introductory course provides the basics of numerology, offering individuals a chance to start their numerology journey, learning simple techniques and tips for improving their lives using numerology.
Advanced Level Numerology: A comprehensive and detailed approach to numerology, where more in-depth insights and solutions are provided for individuals who wish to dive deeper into the science of numbers and their applications in daily life.
Pronology: The art of understanding how the pronunciation of names impacts the energy and vibrations in one's life, with suggestions on how to optimize it for better results.
Tarot Cards: Personalized tarot card readings that provide spiritual guidance, offering a deeper connection to the subconscious and offering clarity on future events.
Switch Word: A practice of using certain words or phrases that can help change an individual’s energy vibration and bring desired changes in their life, with the intention to unlock the positive flow of energy.
Feng Shui Course: An offering to learn the principles of Feng Shui, which focuses on creating harmony and balance in one’s living or working environment to promote well-being and prosperity.
Lal Kitab Course: A detailed course on the ancient astrology of Lal Kitab, providing astrological solutions and remedies to solve life’s issues and improve one’s destiny.
Courses & Software:
Courses: AnkitBatra.com offers online courses, specifically in numerology, astrology, Tarot reading, Feng Shui, and related metaphysical sciences. These courses cater to all levels of learners, from beginners to advanced practitioners.
Software: Similar to PriyaBatra.in, AnkitBatra.com also provides numerology-related software solutions that make it easier to apply numerology tools and techniques effectively. These are designed for students and professionals who want to work with numerology in an automated and precise way.
AnkitBatra.com is a comprehensive platform focused on numerology and metaphysical sciences. It offers personalized consultations, online courses, and software tools for individuals interested in exploring these ancient sciences for self-growth, spiritual alignment, and practical solutions to everyday challenges. Whether you're a beginner or looking for advanced insights, AnkitBatra.com offers services and resources tailored to empower individuals in their personal and professional lives.
Project information
- Type of Project E-commerce Website
- Category E-commerce
- Project URL https://ankitbatra.com/
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